V5 X Series


Диапазонът на външното тяло е с капацитет от 8HP до 88 HP с 2HP нарастване, макс. комбинация от 4 основни модела.



V5 X SERIES VRF система предлага голям капацитет от 8HP до 88 HP с нарастване 2HP чрез комбиниране на 4 външни тела. Моделът също така включва набор от изключителни характеристики, широк обсег на вътрешни и външни тела, високо външно статично налягане, както и енергоспестяващи технологии. Системата поддържа невероятна дължина на тръбите от 1000 метра и разлика в нивото от 110м, което го прави идеален за големи и високи сгради.

Техническа спецификация
HP 8 10 12 14
Model MV5-X252W/V2GN1 MV5-X280W/V2GN1 MV5-X335W/V2GN1 MV5-X400W/V2GN1
Power supply V/Ph/Hz 380-415/3/50(60) & 220/3/60
Cooling Capacity kW 25.2 28.0 33.5 40.0
kBtu/h 86.0 95.5 114.3 136.5
Power input kW 5.36 6.22 7.79 9.30
EER 4.70 4.50 4.30 4.30
Heating Capacity kW 27.0 31.5 37.5 45.0
kBtu/h 92.1 107.5 128.0 153.5
Power input kW 4.82 5.94 7.65 9.38
COP 5.60 5.30 4.90 4.80
indoor unit
Total capacity 50~130% of outdoor unit capacity
Max. quantity 13 16 20 23
Compressor Type DC inverter
Quantity 1 1 1 2
Fan motor Type DC motor
Quantity 1 1 1 2
Max Static Pressure Pa(in. W.G.) 20(0.08) (default)
Pa(in. W.G.) 60(0.24) (customized)
Refrigerant Type R410A
Factory charging kg(lbs.) 9(20) 9(20) 11(24) 13(29)
Liquid pipe mm(in.) Φ12.7(Φ1/2) Φ12.7(Φ1/2) Φ15.9(Φ5/8) Φ15.9(Φ5/8)
Gas pipe mm(in.) Φ25.4(Φ1) Φ25.4(Φ1) Φ28.6(Φ1-1/8) Φ31.8(Φ1-1/4)
Oil balance pipe mm(in.) Φ8(Φ5/16)
Air flow rate m3/h 12000 12000 12000 14000
Sound pressure level dB(A) 58 59 60 62
Net dimension (W×H×D) mm 990×1635×790 1340×1635×790
inch 39×64-3/8×31-1/8 52-3/4×64-3/8×31-1/8
Packing size (W×H×D) mm 1055×1805×855 1405×1805×855
inch 41-1/2×71-1/16×33-5/8 55-3/8×71-1/16×33-5/8
Net weight kg(lbs.) 219(483) 219(483) 237(523) 297(655)
Gross weight kg(lbs.) 234(516) 234(516) 252(556) 315(695)
Operating temperature range °C(°F) Cooling: -5-48(23~118.4); Heating: -20-24(-4~75.2)

Capacities are based on the following conditions:
Cooling: Indoor temperature 27oC DB/19oC WB; Outdoor temperature 35oC DB/24oC WB; Heating: Indoor temperature 20oC DB/15oC WB; Outdoor temperature 7oC DB/6oC WB.
Piping length: Interconnecting piping length is 7.5m, level difference is zero.
Sound values are measured in a semi-anechoic room, at a position 1m in front of the unit and 1.3m above the floor.
The above combined types are factory-recommended type. The combined type also can be combined at will.

HP 16 18 20 22
Model MV5-X450W/V2GN1 MV5-X500W/V2GN1 MV5-X560W/V2GN1 MV5-X615W/V2GN1
Model 220V MV5-X450W/V2DN1 MV5-X500W/V2DN1 MV5-X560W/V2DN1 MV5-X615W/V2DN1
Power supply V/Ph/Hz 380-415/3/50(60) & 220/3/60
Cooling Capacity kW 45.0 50.0 56.0 61.5
kBtu/h 153.5 170.6 191.1 209.8
Power input kW 10.98 12.82 14.51 16.44
EER 4.10 3.90 3.86 3.74
Heating Capacity kW 50.0 56.0 63.0 69.0
kBtu/h 170.6 191.1 214.9 235.4
Power input kW 10.87 13.18 15.29 17.12
COP 4.60 4.25 4.12 4.03
indoor unit
Total capacity 50~130% of outdoor unit capacity
Max. quantity 26 29 33 36
Compressor Type DC inverter
Quantity 2
Fan motor Type DC motor
Quantity 2
Max Static Pressure Pa(in. W.G.) 20(0.08) (default)
Pa(in. W.G.) 60(0.24) (customized)
Refrigerant Type R410A
Factory charging kg(lbs.) 13(29) 13(29) 16(35) 16(35)
Liquid pipe mm(in.) Φ15.9(Φ5/8) Φ19.1(Φ3/4) Φ19.1(Φ3/4) Φ19.1(Φ3/4)
Gas pipe mm(in.) Φ31.8(Φ1-1/4) Φ31.8(Φ1-1/4) Φ31.8(Φ1-1/4) Φ31.8(Φ1-1/4)
Oil balance pipe mm(in.) Φ8(Φ5/16)
Air flow rate m3/h 14000 16000 16000 16000
Sound pressure level dB(A) 62 63 63 63
Net dimension (W×H×D) mm 1340×1635×790
inch 52-3/4×64-3/8×31-1/8
Packing size (W×H×D) mm 1405×1805×855
inch 55-3/8×71-1/16×33-5/8
Net weight kg(lbs.) 297(655) 305(673) 340(750) 340(750)
Gross weight kg(lbs.) 315(695) 323(712) 358(790) 358(790)
Operating temperature range °C(°F) Cooling: -5-48(23~118.4); Heating: -20-24(-4~75.2)

Capacities are based on the following conditions:
Cooling: Indoor temperature 27oC DB/19oC WB; Outdoor temperature 35oC DB/24oC WB; Heating: Indoor temperature 20oC DB/15oC WB; Outdoor temperature 7oC DB/6oC WB.
Piping length: Interconnecting piping length is 7.5m, level difference is zero.
Sound values are measured in a semi-anechoic room, at a position 1m in front of the unit and 1.3m above the floor.
The above combined types are factory-recommended type. The combined type also can be combined at will.

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Високи EER and COP стойности
V5 X Серии постига най-висок клас енергийна ефективност в индустрията в охлаждане и отопление чрез използване на всички DC инверторни компресори, всички DC вентилаторни двигатели, както и висока ефективност на топлообменника.
Охладителната ефективност EER е до 4.7 и отоплителната COP е до 5.6 в категорията 8HP.
High EER and COP values

Голям капацитет за сгради с голям размер
Диапазонът на външните тела е с капацитет от 8HP до 88 HP с нарастване 2HP, макс. комбинация от 4 основни модели.
Large capacity for big sized building

Голяма дължина на тръбите
Моделът поддържа невероятна дължина на тръбите от 1, 000 м (3280 фута.) И разлика в нивото от 110 метра (360,8 фута), което го прави идеален за големи проекти.
Long piping length

Duty cycling
В една комбинация, всяко външно тяло може да работи като главно, за да изравни срока на експлоатация на всички единици.
Duty cycling

Висока ефективност на масления баланс и технология за връщане на маслото
Технология с 5 етапа за контрол на маслото осигурява всяко външно тяло и компресорите да са винаги в безопасното ниво, което напълно разрешава проблема с недостига на компресорно масло.
High efficiency oil balance and oil return technology

Всички DC инверторни компресори са с автоматично разпределение на енергията
Благодарение на DC инверторната технологи на компресорите, работещите тела автоматично ще се регулират според нуждите на натоварване в реално време. Единици винаги работят на 40-70 Hz, което е най-ефективният обхват. Това прави единиците да хабят по-малко енергия и да се поддържат в добро състояние.

All DC inverter compressor, auto energy allocation

Въртящо електрическо табло
Новият дизайн на въртящото се контролно табло е така отлично, че може да се върти в максимум 150 градуса. То е удобно за инспектирането и поддръжката на тръбопроводната система и намалява значително времето за демонтиране на електрическото контролно табло.

Rotatable electric control box

360° тръбопровод
Тръбите могат да бъдат свързвани в различни посоки: напред, на ляво, на дясно и на страни.
360° pipe connection


File Name Date File Size Click to download
VRF V5 X Series Catalogue 2015/12/19 9.2MB download
VRF V5 X TSM 380V 2015/12/19 12.88MB download

V5 X Series


The outdoor units capacity range from 8HP up to 88HP in 2HP increment, max. combination of 4 basic models.




V5 X SERIES VRF offers a large capacity from 8HP up to 88HP in 2HP increments by combining 4 outdoor units. It also incorporates a range of outstanding features, wide-range outdoor and indoor units, high external static pressure, and energy saving technologies. It supports an incredible piping length of 1,000m and a level difference of 110m, making it perfect for large high-rise buildings.

HP 8 10 12 14
Model MV5-X252W/V2GN1 MV5-X280W/V2GN1 MV5-X335W/V2GN1 MV5-X400W/V2GN1
Power supply V/Ph/Hz 380-415/3/50(60) & 220/3/60
Cooling Capacity kW 25.2 28.0 33.5 40.0
kBtu/h 86.0 95.5 114.3 136.5
Power input kW 5.36 6.22 7.79 9.30
EER 4.70 4.50 4.30 4.30
Heating Capacity kW 27.0 31.5 37.5 45.0
kBtu/h 92.1 107.5 128.0 153.5
Power input kW 4.82 5.94 7.65 9.38
COP 5.60 5.30 4.90 4.80
indoor unit
Total capacity 50~130% of outdoor unit capacity
Max. quantity 13 16 20 23
Compressor Type DC inverter
Quantity 1 1 1 2
Fan motor Type DC motor
Quantity 1 1 1 2
Max Static Pressure Pa(in. W.G.) 20(0.08) (default)
Pa(in. W.G.) 60(0.24) (customized)
Refrigerant Type R410A
Factory charging kg(lbs.) 9(20) 9(20) 11(24) 13(29)
Liquid pipe mm(in.) Φ12.7(Φ1/2) Φ12.7(Φ1/2) Φ15.9(Φ5/8) Φ15.9(Φ5/8)
Gas pipe mm(in.) Φ25.4(Φ1) Φ25.4(Φ1) Φ28.6(Φ1-1/8) Φ31.8(Φ1-1/4)
Oil balance pipe mm(in.) Φ8(Φ5/16)
Air flow rate m3/h 12000 12000 12000 14000
Sound pressure level dB(A) 58 59 60 62
Net dimension (W×H×D) mm 990×1635×790 1340×1635×790
inch 39×64-3/8×31-1/8 52-3/4×64-3/8×31-1/8
Packing size (W×H×D) mm 1055×1805×855 1405×1805×855
inch 41-1/2×71-1/16×33-5/8 55-3/8×71-1/16×33-5/8
Net weight kg(lbs.) 219(483) 219(483) 237(523) 297(655)
Gross weight kg(lbs.) 234(516) 234(516) 252(556) 315(695)
Operating temperature range °C(°F) Cooling: -5-48(23~118.4); Heating: -20-24(-4~75.2)

Capacities are based on the following conditions:
Cooling: Indoor temperature 27oC DB/19oC WB; Outdoor temperature 35oC DB/24oC WB; Heating: Indoor temperature 20oC DB/15oC WB; Outdoor temperature 7oC DB/6oC WB.
Piping length: Interconnecting piping length is 7.5m, level difference is zero.
Sound values are measured in a semi-anechoic room, at a position 1m in front of the unit and 1.3m above the floor.
The above combined types are factory-recommended type. The combined type also can be combined at will.

HP 16 18 20 22
Model MV5-X450W/V2GN1 MV5-X500W/V2GN1 MV5-X560W/V2GN1 MV5-X615W/V2GN1
Model 220V MV5-X450W/V2DN1 MV5-X500W/V2DN1 MV5-X560W/V2DN1 MV5-X615W/V2DN1
Power supply V/Ph/Hz 380-415/3/50(60) & 220/3/60
Cooling Capacity kW 45.0 50.0 56.0 61.5
kBtu/h 153.5 170.6 191.1 209.8
Power input kW 10.98 12.82 14.51 16.44
EER 4.10 3.90 3.86 3.74
Heating Capacity kW 50.0 56.0 63.0 69.0
kBtu/h 170.6 191.1 214.9 235.4
Power input kW 10.87 13.18 15.29 17.12
COP 4.60 4.25 4.12 4.03
indoor unit
Total capacity 50~130% of outdoor unit capacity
Max. quantity 26 29 33 36
Compressor Type DC inverter
Quantity 2
Fan motor Type DC motor
Quantity 2
Max Static Pressure Pa(in. W.G.) 20(0.08) (default)
Pa(in. W.G.) 60(0.24) (customized)
Refrigerant Type R410A
Factory charging kg(lbs.) 13(29) 13(29) 16(35) 16(35)
Liquid pipe mm(in.) Φ15.9(Φ5/8) Φ19.1(Φ3/4) Φ19.1(Φ3/4) Φ19.1(Φ3/4)
Gas pipe mm(in.) Φ31.8(Φ1-1/4) Φ31.8(Φ1-1/4) Φ31.8(Φ1-1/4) Φ31.8(Φ1-1/4)
Oil balance pipe mm(in.) Φ8(Φ5/16)
Air flow rate m3/h 14000 16000 16000 16000
Sound pressure level dB(A) 62 63 63 63
Net dimension (W×H×D) mm 1340×1635×790
inch 52-3/4×64-3/8×31-1/8
Packing size (W×H×D) mm 1405×1805×855
inch 55-3/8×71-1/16×33-5/8
Net weight kg(lbs.) 297(655) 305(673) 340(750) 340(750)
Gross weight kg(lbs.) 315(695) 323(712) 358(790) 358(790)
Operating temperature range °C(°F) Cooling: -5-48(23~118.4); Heating: -20-24(-4~75.2)

Capacities are based on the following conditions:
Cooling: Indoor temperature 27oC DB/19oC WB; Outdoor temperature 35oC DB/24oC WB; Heating: Indoor temperature 20oC DB/15oC WB; Outdoor temperature 7oC DB/6oC WB.
Piping length: Interconnecting piping length is 7.5m, level difference is zero.
Sound values are measured in a semi-anechoic room, at a position 1m in front of the unit and 1.3m above the floor.
The above combined types are factory-recommended type. The combined type also can be combined at will.

Read more about the product – Here


High EER and COP Values
V5 X Series achieves the industry’s top class energy efficiency in cooling and heating by utilizing all
DC inverter compressors, all DC fan motors, and high efficiency heat exchanger.
The cooling EER is up to 4.7 and the heating COP is up to 5.6 in the 8HP category.
High EER and COP values

Large capacity for big sized building
The outdoor units capacity range from 8HP up to 88HP in 2HP increment, max. combination of 4 basic models.
Large capacity for big sized building

Long piping length
The solution supports an incredible piping length of 1, 000m (3280ft.) and level difference of 110m (360.8ft.), making it perfect for large projects.
Long piping length

Duty cycling
In one combination, any outdoor unit can run as the master outdoor unit to equalize the service life of all units.
Duty cycling

High efficiency oil balance and oil return technology
5 stages oil control technology ensures every outdoor unit & compressor’s oil always keep in the safe level, completely solve the compressor oil shortage problem.
High efficiency oil balance and oil return technology

All DC inverter compressor, auto energy allocation
Thanks to the all DC inverter compressors technology, the running unit’s output will automatically adjust according to the real time load demands. Units are always running at 40-70Hz which is the most efficient range. It makes units cost less energy and keep in good condition.
All DC inverter compressor, auto energy allocation

Rotatable electric control box
The newly designed rotating control box is so excellent that it can rotate in maxmum 150 degree. It is convenient for the inspection and maintenance of the pipeline system and greatly reduced the time of dismount the electric control box.
Rotatable electric control box

360° pipe connection
Pipes can be connected in multi directions: front, left, right and rear.
360° pipe connection


File Name Date File Size Click to download
VRF V5 X Series Catalogue 2015/12/19 9.2MB download
VRF V5 X TSM 380V 2015/12/19 12.88MB download