V4 Plus W Series


Диапазонът на външното тяло е с капацитет от 8HP до 36HP. Максимум от 59 вътрешни тела с капацитет до 130% от общия на външните тела могаг да бъде свързани в една хладилната система.



The Midea V4 Plus W серията е перфектната комбинация от водни и хладилни системи. Тя се хвали с отлични характеристики за пестене на енергия, гъвкав дизайн на системата и максимален комфорт.
В допълнение към традиционните охладителни кули / котли, серията има повече опции за водоизточници, включително реки, подпочнети води, слънчева енергия, морска вода, езерна вода, отпадна топлина от производството, канализацията или отпадъчни води.

Техническа спецификация
HP 8 10 12
Model MDVS- 252(8)W/DRN1 280(10)W/DRN1 335(12)W/DRN1
Combined type / / /
Power supply V/Ph/Hz 380-415/3/50
Cooling Capacity kW 25.2 28.0 33.5
Power input kW 4.80 6.10 8.00
EER 5.25 4.59 4.19
Heating Capacity kW 27.0 31.5 37.5
Power input kW 4.45 5.83 7.80
COP 6.07 5.40 4.81
indoor unit
Total capacity 50~130% of outdoor unit capacity
Max. quantity 13 16 19
Compressor Type DC inverter
Quantity 1 1 1
Heat exchanger Type Double-pipe heat exchanger
Rated water flow volume m3/h 5.4 6 7.2
Refrigerant Type R410A
Factory charging kg 2 2 2
Liquid pipe mm Φ9.53 Φ9.53 Φ12.7
Gas pipe mm Φ22.2 Φ22.2 Φ25.4
Oil balance pipe mm Φ6.35 Φ6.35 Φ6.35
Sound pressure level dB(A) 51 52 52
Net dimension (W×H×D) mm 780×1000×550
Packing size (W×H×D) mm 845×1170×600
Net weight kg 146 146 147
Gross weight kg 155 155 156
Operating temperature range °C Water inlet temp.: 7-45; ambient temp.: 0-40


1. The cooling conditions: indoor temp.: 27℃DB, 19℃WB, outdoor temp.: 35℃DB, water inlet temp. :30℃, equivalent pipe length: 5m, drop length: 0m.

2. The heating conditions: indoor temp.: 20℃DB, 15℃WB, outdoor temp.: 7℃DB, 6℃WB, water inlet temp. :20℃, equivalent pipe length: 5m drop length: 0m.

3. Sound level: Anechoic chamber conversion value, measured at a point 1 m in front of the unit at a height of 1 m. During actual operation, these values are normally somewhat higher as a result of ambient conditions.

4. Connection piping diameter is based on the condition that the total equivalent liquid length is less than 90m. When the total equivalent liquid length is more than 90m, please refer to installation manual to choose the connection piping diameter.

5. The farthest equivalent pipe length should be equal to or shorter than 40m, but it can be up to 90m if meet the required conditions following part 4 installation sections.

The above data may be changed without notice for future improvement on quality and performance.

Виж повече за този продукт – Тук


Широка гама от външни тела
Основният капацитет на телата варира от 8HP до 36 HP. Максимум 59 вътрешни тела с мощност до 130% от общите външни тела могат да бъдат свързани в една хладилна система.
Wide range of outdoor units

Голяма дължина на тръбите
В системата на тръбопроводите с хладилен агент, общата дължина на тръбите може да се разшири до 300 м, с най-дългата действителната дължина на тръбите от 120 m и разлика в нивото между вътрешното тяло и основното тяло е 50м.
Long piping length

Висок IPLV
Midea V4 Plus W Серията комбинира перфектно система с вода и хладилна система. IPLV(C) достига високо до 5.9. В сравнение с въздушно охлаждителна VRF система, пестенето на енергия е по-висока.

Висока ефективен двойно-тръбен топлообменник
С иновационен дизайн на двойно-тръбен топлообменник, изискването за качеството на водата е ниско.
High efficiency double-pipe heat exchanger

Функция за възстановяване на топлина чрез вода
В съвременните мащабни сгради, натоварването между вътрешните и външните области е различно. Това може да се случи в някои ситуации, когато са необходими както охлаждане, така и отопление. V4 PLUS W серията не само може да постигне точно разделяне на системата в различни области, но също така може да възстановява топлина в същото време, което значително подобрява енергийната ефективност.
Water side heat recovery function

Нисък шум
Външните тела не изискват фентилатори и са напълно затворени, което значително намалява нивата на шума.
Low noise

Без изтичане на вода
No water pipes installed indoors, no water leakage risks. Няма монтирани тръби в закрити помещения, няма опасност от изтичане на вода.
No water leakage

Режим на приоритетна операция
5 Приоритетни режима увеличават удобството за потребителите.
Приоритетен режим Отопление (по подразбиране); Охлаждане приоритет режим; Само за отопление режим; Само охлаждане режим; Режим на гласуване приоритет VIP (No. 63 IDU или изискване за мнозинство приоритет)
Priority operation mode


File Name Date File Size Click to download
[1602-2V1511] VRF Catalogue 50Hz 2015-12-17 10.6MB download
V4+W TSM 50Hz 2015-6-9 5.17MB download

V4 Plus W Series


The main units capacity ranges from 8HP up to 36HP. A maximum of 59 indoor units with capacity up to 130% of total outdoor units’ can be connected in one refrigeration system.




The Midea V4 Plus W Series is the perfect combination of water and refrigerant systems. It boasts excellent energy saving features, flexible system design and maximized comfort. In addition to traditional
cooling towers / boilers, there are more water source options including river water, soil, solar energy, sea water, lake water, ground water, waste heat from production, sewage or waste water.

HP 8 10 12
Model MDVS- 252(8)W/DRN1 280(10)W/DRN1 335(12)W/DRN1
Combined type / / /
Power supply V/Ph/Hz 380-415/3/50
Cooling Capacity kW 25.2 28.0 33.5
Power input kW 4.80 6.10 8.00
EER 5.25 4.59 4.19
Heating Capacity kW 27.0 31.5 37.5
Power input kW 4.45 5.83 7.80
COP 6.07 5.40 4.81
indoor unit
Total capacity 50~130% of outdoor unit capacity
Max. quantity 13 16 19
Compressor Type DC inverter
Quantity 1 1 1
Heat exchanger Type Double-pipe heat exchanger
Rated water flow volume m3/h 5.4 6 7.2
Refrigerant Type R410A
Factory charging kg 2 2 2
Liquid pipe mm Φ9.53 Φ9.53 Φ12.7
Gas pipe mm Φ22.2 Φ22.2 Φ25.4
Oil balance pipe mm Φ6.35 Φ6.35 Φ6.35
Sound pressure level dB(A) 51 52 52
Net dimension (W×H×D) mm 780×1000×550
Packing size (W×H×D) mm 845×1170×600
Net weight kg 146 146 147
Gross weight kg 155 155 156
Operating temperature range °C Water inlet temp.: 7-45; ambient temp.: 0-40


1. The cooling conditions: indoor temp.: 27℃DB, 19℃WB, outdoor temp.: 35℃DB, water inlet temp. :30℃, equivalent pipe length: 5m, drop length: 0m.

2. The heating conditions: indoor temp.: 20℃DB, 15℃WB, outdoor temp.: 7℃DB, 6℃WB, water inlet temp. :20℃, equivalent pipe length: 5m drop length: 0m.

3. Sound level: Anechoic chamber conversion value, measured at a point 1 m in front of the unit at a height of 1 m. During actual operation, these values are normally somewhat higher as a result of ambient conditions.

4. Connection piping diameter is based on the condition that the total equivalent liquid length is less than 90m. When the total equivalent liquid length is more than 90m, please refer to installation manual to choose the connection piping diameter.

5. The farthest equivalent pipe length should be equal to or shorter than 40m, but it can be up to 90m if meet the required conditions following part 4 installation sections.

The above data may be changed without notice for future improvement on quality and performance.

Read more about the product – Here


Wide range of outdoor units
The main units capacity ranges from 8HP up to 36HP. A maximum of 59 indoor units with capacity up to 130% of total outdoor units’ can be connected in one refrigeration system.
Wide range of outdoor units

Long piping length
In the refrigerant piping system, total piping length can be extended up to 300m with a longest actual piping length of 120m and a level difference between indoor and main unit of 50m.
Long piping length

Midea V4 Plus W Series System combines water system and refrigerant system perfectly. IPLV(C) reaches as high as 5.9. Compared with air-cooled VRF system, energy saving is higher.

High efficiency double-pipe heat exchanger
With the innovatively designed double-pipe heat exchanger, the water quality required is low. The water side has large circulation area, and it is not easily plugged, creating higher reliability and easier cleaning and maintenance.
High efficiency double-pipe heat exchanger

Water side heat recovery function
In modern large-scale buildings, the load between the internal and external areas is different. It may occur in some situations that both cooling and heating are required. The V4 PLUS W Series not only can achieve meticulous system division in different areas but also can recover heat at the same time, significantly improving energy efficiency.
Water side heat recovery function

Low noise
Outdoor units require no fan and are fully enclosed, greatly reducing noise levels.
Low noise

No water leakage
No water pipes installed indoors, no water leakage risks.
No water leakage

Priority operation mode
5 Priority Modes enhance convenience for users.
Heating priority mode (default); Cooling priority mode; Heating only mode; Cooling only mode; VIP or Voting priority mode (No. 63 IDU or majority requirement priority)
Priority operation mode


File Name Date File Size Click to download
[1602-2V1511] VRF Catalogue 50Hz 2015-12-17 10.6MB download
V4+W TSM 50Hz 2015-6-9 5.17MB download