V4 Plus R Series


Диапазонът на външните тела е с капацитет от 8HP до 64HP с нарастване на 2HP, макс. комбинация от 4 основни модела.



Всички DC инвертори V4 Plus серия с оползотворяване на топлината, могат да предложат едновременно охлаждане и отопление в една система. Енергията, от продукт за охлаждане или отопление се пренася до мястото, където тя е необходима, като използва функцията за балансиран топлообменник, което спестява до 50% от разходите в сравнение със стандартна термопомпена система.

Техническа спецификация
HP 8 10 12
Model MDV- 252(8)W/D2RN1T(C) 280(10)W/D2RN1T(C) 335(12)W/D2RN1T(C)
Power supply V/Ph/Hz 380-415/3/50
Cooling Capacity kW 25.2 28 33.5
Power input kW 5.73 6.67 8.07
EER 4.4 4.2 4.15
Heating Capacity kW 27 31.5 37.5
Power input kW 6 7.33 8.72
COP 4.5 4.3 4.3
indoor unit
Total capacity 50~130% of outdoor unit capacity
Max. quantity 13 16 20
Compressor Type DC inverter
Quantity 1 1 1
Fan motor Type DC motor
Quantity 2 2 2
Max Static Pressure Pa 20 (default)
Pa 60 (customized)
Refrigerant Type R410A
Factory charging kg 10 10 10
Liquid pipe mm Φ9.53 Φ12.7 Φ12.7
Low pressure gas pipe mm Φ22.2 Φ22.2 Φ25.4
High pressure gas pipe mm Φ19.1 Φ19.1 Φ19.1
High pressure gas balance pipe mm Φ19.1 Φ19.1 Φ19.1
Oil balance pipe mm Φ6 Φ6 Φ6
Air flow rate m3/h 12000 12000 13000
Sound pressure level dB(A) 57 57 58
Net dimension (W×H×D) mm 1250×1615×765
Packing size (W×H×D) mm 1305×1790×820
Net weight kg 255 255 255
Gross weight kg 273 273 273
Operating temperature range °C Cooling: -5~48; Heating: -20~24; Simultaneous Cooling and Heating: -5~24

Capacities are based on the following conditions:
Cooling: Indoor temperature 27oC DB/19oC WB; Outdoor temperature 35oC DB/24oC WB.
Heating: Indoor temperature 20oC DB/15oC WB; Outdoor temperature 7oC DB/6oC WB.
Piping length: Interconnecting piping length is 7.5m, level difference is zero.
Connection piping diameter is based on the condition that the total equivalent liquid length is less than 90m. When the total equivalent liquid length is more than 90m, please refer to technical manual to choose the connection piping diameter.
Sound values are measured in a semi-anechoic room, at a position 1m in front of the unit and 1.3m above the floor.

HP 14 16
Model MDV- 400(14)W/D2RN1T(C) 450(16)W/D2RN1T(C)
Power supply V/Ph/Hz 380-415/3/50
Cooling Capacity kW 40 45
Power input kW 11.3 13.24
EER 3.54 3.4
Heating Capacity kW 45 50
Power input kW 11.19 12.79
COP 4.02 3.91
indoor unit
Total capacity 50~130% of outdoor unit capacity
Max. quantity 23 26
Compressor Type DC inverter
Quantity 2 2
Fan motor Type DC motor
Quantity 2 2
Max Static Pressure Pa 20 (default)
Pa 40 (customized)
Refrigerant Type R410A
Factory charging kg 13 13
Liquid pipe mm Φ15.9 Φ15.9
Low pressure gas pipe mm Φ28.6 Φ28.6
High pressure gas pipe mm Φ22.2 Φ22.2
High pressure gas balance pipe mm Φ19.1 Φ19.1
Oil balance pipe mm Φ6 Φ6
Air flow rate m3/h 15000 15000
Sound pressure level dB(A) 60 60
Net dimension (W×H×D) mm 1250×1615×765
Packing size (W×H×D) mm 1305×1790×820
Net weight kg 303 303
Gross weight kg 322 322
Operating temperature range °C Cooling: -5~48; Heating: -20~24; Simultaneous Cooling and Heating: -5~24

Capacities are based on the following conditions:
Cooling: Indoor temperature 27oC DB/19oC WB; Outdoor temperature 35oC DB/24oC WB.
Heating: Indoor temperature 20oC DB/15oC WB; Outdoor temperature 7oC DB/6oC WB.
Piping length: Interconnecting piping length is 7.5m, level difference is zero.
Connection piping diameter is based on the condition that the total equivalent liquid length is less than 90m. When the total equivalent liquid length is more than 90m, please refer to technical manual to choose the connection piping diameter.
Sound values are measured in a semi-anechoic room, at a position 1m in front of the unit and 1.3m above the floor.

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DC инверторни компресори
Всички DC инверторни компресори правят изхода на капацитет по-добре разпределен и винаги работят при 60-140 Hz, което е най-ефективният обхват. Това прави ефективността повече от 30% по-висока от нормалната.
All DC inverter compressors

DC Вентилаторни мотори
Според работното натоварване и налягането на системата, системата контролира скоростта на DC вентилатора, за да се постигне минимален разход на енергия и най-добро представяне.
All DC Fan Motors

Широк диапазон на работната температура
Серия V4 + R работи стабилно при екстремни температури, вариращи от -20 ° С до 48 ° С.
Wide operation temperature range

Висока охладителната ефективност EER
Heat recovery is achieved by diverting exhaust heat from indoor units in cooling mode to areas requiring heating, maximising energy efficiency, reducing electricity costs and leading to high partload efficiencies (up to 7.0 in the 8HP catagory).
Възстановяването на топлина се постига чрез отклоняване на отработената топлина от вътрешните тела в режим на охлаждане към области изискващи отопление, което максимизира енергийната ефективност, намалява разходите за електроенергия и води до висока ефективност и частично натоварване (до 7.0 в категорията 8HP).
High EER

Голяма дължина на тръбите
Системата поддържа невероятна дължина на тръбите от 1000 метра и денивелация от 110 метра, което го прави идеален за големи проекти.
Long piping length

Високо външно статично наляганеe
Макс. 60Pa външно статично налягане могат да бъдат персонализирани за външното тяло, гъвкавост за вграждане на инсталацията. Стандарт 0-20Pa външно статично налягане по подразбиране е оборудвано за всички външни тела. 20-40Pa външно статично налягане могат да бъдат персонализирани за 14, 16HP външни тела, и 20-60Pa могат да бъдат персонализирани за 8, 10, 12HP външно тяло.
High external static pressure

Възобновяване на топлината за по-голяма ефективност
Едновременно отопление и охлаждане в различни зони, повече пестене на енергия чрез оползотворяване на топлината от едно място на друго, което спестява до 50% от разходите в сравнение със стандартна термопомпена система.
Heat recovery, more efficiency

Автоматично регулиране на отоплителната мощност
Двоен кондензатор с индивидуален дизайн – устройството може да разпредели част от изпарителя, за да бъде като кондензация съгласно изискването на отоплителния товар за подобряване на степента на използване на кондензатора.
Heating capacity automatic adjustment

Контрол автоматичен режим
В автоматичен режим, вътрешното тяло може да си промени режима на работа, за да се контролира стайната температура при поискване на постоянна температура. Тялото си променя режима на охлаждане през деня, когато вътрешната температура е по-висока, отколкото зададената температурата, както и промяна в режим на отопление през нощта, когато вътрешната температура е по-ниска от зададената темп.
Auto mode control

Непрекъснато отопление по време на операция по размразяване
Всеки топлообменник се размразява чрез използване на топлинна енергия прехвърлена от единия топлообменник към другия във външното тяло. Размразяването не оказва влияние върху вътрешното тяло при режим на отопление.
Continuous heating during defrost operation


File Name Date File Size Click to download
V4+R TSM 50(60)Hz 2015-6-9 15.04MB download
[1602-5V1510] VRF Catalogue 60Hz 201510 2015-12-17 9.71MB download
[1602-2V1511] VRF Catalogue 50Hz 2015-12-17 10.6MB download

V4 Plus R Series


The outdoor units capacity range from 8HP up to 64HP in 2HP increment, max. combination of 4 basic models.




The all DC inverter V4 Plus heat recovery series, which can offers simultaneous cooling and heating operation in one system. The energy by-product from cooling or heating is transferred to where it is required by using the balanced heat exchanger function, which saves up to 50% in costs compared with a conventional heat pump system.

HP 8 10 12
Model MDV- 252(8)W/D2RN1T(C) 280(10)W/D2RN1T(C) 335(12)W/D2RN1T(C)
Power supply V/Ph/Hz 380-415/3/50
Cooling Capacity kW 25.2 28 33.5
Power input kW 5.73 6.67 8.07
EER 4.4 4.2 4.15
Heating Capacity kW 27 31.5 37.5
Power input kW 6 7.33 8.72
COP 4.5 4.3 4.3
indoor unit
Total capacity 50~130% of outdoor unit capacity
Max. quantity 13 16 20
Compressor Type DC inverter
Quantity 1 1 1
Fan motor Type DC motor
Quantity 2 2 2
Max Static Pressure Pa 20 (default)
Pa 60 (customized)
Refrigerant Type R410A
Factory charging kg 10 10 10
Liquid pipe mm Φ9.53 Φ12.7 Φ12.7
Low pressure gas pipe mm Φ22.2 Φ22.2 Φ25.4
High pressure gas pipe mm Φ19.1 Φ19.1 Φ19.1
High pressure gas balance pipe mm Φ19.1 Φ19.1 Φ19.1
Oil balance pipe mm Φ6 Φ6 Φ6
Air flow rate m3/h 12000 12000 13000
Sound pressure level dB(A) 57 57 58
Net dimension (W×H×D) mm 1250×1615×765
Packing size (W×H×D) mm 1305×1790×820
Net weight kg 255 255 255
Gross weight kg 273 273 273
Operating temperature range °C Cooling: -5~48; Heating: -20~24; Simultaneous Cooling and Heating: -5~24

Capacities are based on the following conditions:
Cooling: Indoor temperature 27oC DB/19oC WB; Outdoor temperature 35oC DB/24oC WB.
Heating: Indoor temperature 20oC DB/15oC WB; Outdoor temperature 7oC DB/6oC WB.
Piping length: Interconnecting piping length is 7.5m, level difference is zero.
Connection piping diameter is based on the condition that the total equivalent liquid length is less than 90m. When the total equivalent liquid length is more than 90m, please refer to technical manual to choose the connection piping diameter.
Sound values are measured in a semi-anechoic room, at a position 1m in front of the unit and 1.3m above the floor.

HP 14 16
Model MDV- 400(14)W/D2RN1T(C) 450(16)W/D2RN1T(C)
Power supply V/Ph/Hz 380-415/3/50
Cooling Capacity kW 40 45
Power input kW 11.3 13.24
EER 3.54 3.4
Heating Capacity kW 45 50
Power input kW 11.19 12.79
COP 4.02 3.91
indoor unit
Total capacity 50~130% of outdoor unit capacity
Max. quantity 23 26
Compressor Type DC inverter
Quantity 2 2
Fan motor Type DC motor
Quantity 2 2
Max Static Pressure Pa 20 (default)
Pa 40 (customized)
Refrigerant Type R410A
Factory charging kg 13 13
Liquid pipe mm Φ15.9 Φ15.9
Low pressure gas pipe mm Φ28.6 Φ28.6
High pressure gas pipe mm Φ22.2 Φ22.2
High pressure gas balance pipe mm Φ19.1 Φ19.1
Oil balance pipe mm Φ6 Φ6
Air flow rate m3/h 15000 15000
Sound pressure level dB(A) 60 60
Net dimension (W×H×D) mm 1250×1615×765
Packing size (W×H×D) mm 1305×1790×820
Net weight kg 303 303
Gross weight kg 322 322
Operating temperature range °C Cooling: -5~48; Heating: -20~24; Simultaneous Cooling and Heating: -5~24

Capacities are based on the following conditions:
Cooling: Indoor temperature 27oC DB/19oC WB; Outdoor temperature 35oC DB/24oC WB.
Heating: Indoor temperature 20oC DB/15oC WB; Outdoor temperature 7oC DB/6oC WB.
Piping length: Interconnecting piping length is 7.5m, level difference is zero.
Connection piping diameter is based on the condition that the total equivalent liquid length is less than 90m. When the total equivalent liquid length is more than 90m, please refer to technical manual to choose the connection piping diameter.
Sound values are measured in a semi-anechoic room, at a position 1m in front of the unit and 1.3m above the floor.

Read more about the product – Here


All DC inverter compressors
All DC inverter compressors make the capacity output better distributed, and always work at 60-140Hz which is the most efficient range. It makes the efficiency more than 30% higher than the normal.All DC inverter compressors

All DC Fan Motors
According to the running load and system pressure, the system controls the speed of DC fan to achieve the minimum energy consumption and best performance.
All DC Fan Motors

Wide operation temperature range
The V4+R series system operates stably at extreme temperatures ranging from -20°C to 48°C.
Wide operation temperature range

High EER
Heat recovery is achieved by diverting exhaust heat from indoor units in cooling mode to areas requiring heating, maximising energy efficiency, reducing electricity costs and leading to high partload efficiencies (up to 7.0 in the 8HP catagory).
High EER

Long piping length
The solution supports an incredible piping length of 1,000m and level difference of 110m, making it perfect for large projects.
Long piping length

High external static pressure
Max. 60Pa external static pressure can be customized for the outdoor unit, flexible to build-in installation.
A standard 0-20Pa external static pressure is equipped by default for all outdoor units. 20-40Pa external static pressure can be customized for 14, 16HP outdoor units, and 20-60Pa can be customized for 8, 10, 12HP outdoor unit.
High external static pressure

Heat recovery, more efficiency
Simultaneous heating and cooling in different zones, more energy saving by heat recovery from one space to another which saves up to 50% in costs compared with a conventional heat pump system.
Heat recovery, more efficiency

Heating capacity automatic adjustment
Two parts condenser individual design, the unit can distribute a part of evaporator to be as condensing area according to the heating load requirement to improve the utilization rate of the condenser.
Heating capacity automatic adjustment

Auto mode control
At the auto mode, the indoor unit can change the operation mode, to control the indoor side temperature at a constant temperature demanded. Unit change to cooling mode at daytime, when indoor temperature is higher than setting temperature, and change to heating mode at nighttime, when indoor temperature is lower than setting temp.
Auto mode control

Continuous heating during defrost operation
Each heat exchanger is defrosted by using heat transferred from one heat exchanger to the other in the outdoor unit. Defrost has no impact on the indoor unit on heating mode.
Continuous heating during defrost operation


File Name Date File Size Click to download
V4+R TSM 50(60)Hz 2015-6-9 15.04MB download
[1602-5V1510] VRF Catalogue 60Hz 201510 2015-12-17 9.71MB download
[1602-2V1511] VRF Catalogue 50Hz 2015-12-17 10.6MB download